Monday, November 29, 2010

Last shows of 2010!

Here's our brief 'tour' schedule - which is more of a 'jaunt' schedule for our last two shows of the year:

Dec 2nd - Neverending Books 810 State St. New Haven, CT at 7:30pm
Dec 4th - Year-End Puppet Uprising! in Philadelphia, PA @ The Rotunda.  Show at 8pm, Cheap Art Bazaar at 7:30pm

A really big tour is in the works, so keep an eye out for that, and get in touch if you need us in your town!
rpmpuppetconspiracy (at)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Movers and Shakers of RPM:

David Bailey has been an activist artist for over a decade.  Using common household trash, mistinted house paint, and commercial leavings, he has built and performed a variety of puppet shows and street spectacles around the themes of sustainability, ecological and social justice, mutual aid and the abolition of capitalism.  David creates original woodcut prints, paintings and sculptures, peddling them on tours and exhibits as "Cheap Art" - an ideology which deems that art is necessary and is therefore meant to be accessible and affordable for everyone, all the time.  In addition to performance, David also earns his living working as a carpenter and natural builder.  In 2009, David completed construction on the first Code approved composting toilet in Austin, TX, which is also the first owner-built composting toilet in an urban area in the United States to earn the sanction of the City.

Angela DiVeglia is an accordion-playing puppeteer, roving archivist, activist, and pancake connoisseur.  A co-organizer of Fun-A-Day North Carolina, a community-based art project, she is also interested in using puppetry and performance for community organizing. Angela co-wrote and directed the Extremely Soon Circus, and has worked with the Runaway Circus in Asheville, NC. Much of Angela’s work focuses on the documentation of social movements; she was a co-founder of the Papercut Zine Library in Somerville, Mass., and has worked at Duke University’s Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture and in the library at the Highlander Research and Education Center in New Market, Tenn. When she isn’t writing letters or knitting sea creatures, she is usually alphabetizing things, bruising her legs on the trapeze, or constructing tiny universes out of bits of trash.